December 1, 2011
Toronto, ON

Gentle Readers,

It is I, your delinquent Sweetypie with tales from far and wide. Or perhaps, just tall tales. You decide. My sincere apologies for the delay in updates lately. I plead intensely artistically focused, and impressively social! You would be proud. And you did miss an important thing or two while I was busy being so busy. But here’s the Coles Notes version. I played incredible shows with the likes of Micah Barnes, Jess McAvoy, Andrea Ramolo and Cindy Doire (more to come on all fronts!) As well, I hosted a slough of highly attractive house guests, rocked Halloween like only a drowned sailor girl can, cooked innumerable feasts, practiced loads of guitar, digitized my entire music collection, read my Sherlock Holmes like a good girl, ran through forests with happy poodles, wished upon a star, celebrated 11-11-11, and placed a beautiful model ship in my office window as a symbol… My ship has come in. Seriously.

So, the big news in Sweetland is one of epic proportions. Aurevoir Ruby the Van! You were the best horse ever. 7 1/2 years, 300,000 kms, and a whole world of adventures later… we say goodbye. Now I get to introduce the world to LADYSHIP.  All sexy soccer mom spy on the outside, and Venusian palace of delight on the inside (photos of her glory to come!) Together, we shall conquer the continent. Spring tour can’t come too soon.

And until then I sure have my work cut out for me. A couple new albums, a book of my photography, new videos, and a motherload of flamenco dance classes later, we’ll be good to go. It also looks like I’m going to be sitting in on guitar (studio and live) with some pretty amazing artists in the coming months and year. More info on axe-slinging sideperson Sweetland coming soon. We all know that sometimes I just want to wear a wig, stand in a dark corner, and play some serious guitar.

And so be it. 

Hope you can make it out to an upcoming show!

Lots of love from the big city,


P.S. I promise to write soon. And check your mailbox for postcards!

A handsome ship on the horizon!
More fall photos here.

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