March 20, 2011 
Toronto, ON

Happy Spring!

The sweetest of seasons could not have come soon enough for me, and I tonight I celebrate with my peeps in true magnificent style. There will be toasting, and feasting, and burning in effigy, and solemnly swearing to never again spend a full winter in the city without running away. To somewhere warm. Where pool boys run free with arm-fulls of champagne cocktails. And they all look like that babe from Lost Girl. Sigh.

It’s not that I didn’t enjoy my first full Torontonian winter. I’ve been so loving my time here and appreciating the simple act of staying in one place. What a novel concept. Not to mention, three months of flamenco dance classes later … I think I might be getting somewhere! I’d guess that throughout the course of this past season I’ve attended 20 dance classes, made 30 pots of stew, polished off 40 bottles of red wine, and watched at least 50 classic films. If not 99. And had at least 100 bubble baths.
Now that’s a winter resume a girl can be be proud of.

And speaking of bubble baths …. glug glug.


 X-files meets Dr. Zhivago … In my hood. Fare thee well winter!
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