May 17, 2010
Rochester, NY

I confess. After a whole week of basic cable I am so happy to see the Turner Classic Movies channel again. How I missed thee! It’s really the perfect end to a perfectly long travelling day. Along with a bubble bath. Woke up this morning and said my sweet goodbyes to Brooklyn. One serious espresso and an eggy bagel later I high-tailed it over a hundred bridges, and even more miles to the heart of industrial Albany. You know, just for fun. Had a rendez-vous with an old pal, ate some spaetzle, a veggie dog and drove off into the sunset like a good little New York Thruway road princess. Been listening to audio books all along the way (a Sweetlandish road tradition.) This trip it’s “New York” by Edward Rutherfurd. Loves it.

Tomorrow it’s Home Sweetland Home for me, back in the arms of Canada. I would have lingered longer chez Mr. America, but my puppy’s first birthday tomorrow and I just can’t bring myself to miss it! I know she’s a dog and doesn’t know it’s her birthday. But she’ll still be so grateful for the long run and big slobbery kiss she’s about to receive. And so will I.


 Somewhere in Albany … 
More Mini Birthday Tour photos here

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