May 5, 2010
Kingston, NY

Quelle belle journée! The first day this year it’s been hot enough to tell that the air-conditioner in my car is broken … Ah zut. More freon s.v.p. I’m sitting atop a mountain overlooking I-87. Good thing they have wireless here. And amber lager. Am waiting for the sun to set and New York City rush-hour to un-rush, so I can bomb through to the 1-95, final destination Folk Festival, Maryland. Spent last night with dear friends in Albany, sleeping in sweet and flowery guest chambers. Aujourd’hui was Woodstock, NY, for snacks, supplies, green fields and bubbling brooks. And happy Sweetlands. Tonight is Motel New Jersey!

There may be photographs,


Did I say flowery guest chambers? 
More Mini Birthday Tour photos here

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