December 13, 2008
Montreal, QC

Ice princess of the North reporting for duty from bitterly frosty Montreal. I decided I needed a night on the town and came in from my warm toasty country lair for some roaming of the unforgiving streets. The recent major ice/snow storm here left roads more than a bit sketchy and driving -not to mention walking- is quite the adventure! Did some shopping then headed up to Le Cagibi for hot spicy apple cider toddies that cured me of all that’s ever ailed me in my life. Next, I went to the Titanic artifact exhibition at the Eaton Centre. It was brilliant! So dramatic and magnificently presented … worth the trip to Montreal just to see! Then it was time for The Day the Earth Stood Still on IMAX. No popcorn. Way fun.

Home, James. The dangling carrot of fireplace is calling my name.


x K

Tabula Rasa … at Le Cagibi in Montreal (more photos)

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