June 29, 2008
Beaucroissant, France

I am having the most incredible time in belle France! The people are amazing, the scenery is magnifique and I am being treated like a queen! I’ve been at the “Sur la Route de Tullins” festival all week and it may win the prize for the funnest fest ever. So far I’ve done 2 televisions interviews on France 3, a radio interview on France Bleu, a concert in Voiron, played at the festival’s inauguration party (with the mayor, walnut wine and loads of the finest cheese ever!), helped artistic director François Louwagie launch about a million stages for the “Festival Off” (a free festival night with stages all over town), opened the festival mainstage two nights in a row and taught an AMAZING master class at the Tullins Ecole de Musique! Somehow amidst all of that I’ve had time to meet so many incredible people, visit the “Caves de Chartreuse” (where the monks make the magical green liqueur of the same name), eat loads of pastries and trop de fromage, not to mention practice my French! Right now I’m in a sweet little countryside hotel in a town called “Beaucroissant” (apparently world-famous for it’s fair.) There is no air-conditioning here and I am slightly suffering. However, the most incredible view of the mountains from my window seems to be taking the edge off. A soft moon is rising in the bright evening sky over groves of walnut trees and hoppy skippy jumpy French bunny rabbits. All I need now is an icy bucket of champagne and I can die . . .

With my class at the Tullins Ecole de Musique … more photos!

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