February 13, 2008
London, ON

Sweety Sweetland reporting for duty from the outer-reaches of suburbia. Have been house sitting for my parents while they are in Egypt — ohhh so jealous I am! But, Raven the dog and I have been having the best time ever and I certainly have no lack of work to do. The weather has been positively beastly of late and I’ve had quite enough of this whole winter thing. Not to mention -I must confess- I seriously suck at starting the snow blower!! Tried so hard and just ended up collapsed in a defeated snow angel pile at the end of the driveway. . . Time to call that nice man with a big shovel on the end of his truck. Bring it on. Hitting the road south tomorrow. Hooray! It’s Memphis is the meantime, baby!

From beneath a mound of snow,

Yours truly xo

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