July 29th, 2002
Victoria, BC
I have just returned from a wonderful weekend at the Islands Folk Festival in Duncan. I had such a great time and I always SO love being on Vancouver Island. My dear friend Darlene and I have been kickin’ up all kinds of delicious trouble playing and singing and swimming in the rivers and driving all around…We even got to get up on the mainstage during Chris Chandler and Anne Feeney’s set and do our little sword twirling hula hoopin’ routine for their fabulous circus song… oh so much fun. Look out world!!! It has now been about five weeks since I left Ontario and the road has been so good to me. I have been mostly in Victoria visiting with wonderful friends, hiking in the forests with the big beautiful trees and spending some time genuinely trying to RELAX… is it possible?? I’ve actually been running around like a crazy freak show most of the time trying to get lots done…press and interviews and radio and reviews…. getting things all set up for the release of the new album. But Hoooray! It’s all done and all my lovely little CDs came in boxes all wrapped in plastic and ready to be sent out into the great yonders of the world. So good. I am so happy with how it’s all working out. And they look great. (And they sound great too….) It was so worth the wait. Next it’s just about finishing up some business here and heading back up to Duncan next weekend to play another show at Vimy Hall. My friend Longevity John puts on a series of shows he calls “Longevity John’s Musical Treats” and they are always such a good time. This time I’ll be playing with a fabuloso hard core old school “i just rolled outta the dustbowl” old time country croonin yodelayheehooin’ man named Petunia. Petunia is from Toronto but we met through Long John a few weeks ago and had a blast hiking down to the Cowichan river and swimming and swimming and swimming… Long John also has a crazy ol’ house full of oh so many puppies (and two wee 6 week old ones…) that are so much fun to visit. There are sure to be Good Times ahead.
fare thee well for now… but more later.

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