March 25th, 2002
Toronto, Ontario
Happy Spring!!! Had my first day in the studio recording the new album. What a day… George Koller came to play. He is AMAZING. George will be playing a multitude of different basses on about 8 tracks, I believe… and I have even convinced him to sing a Gregorian Chant. We’ll be recording an excerpt from “O Quanta Qualia” a hymn written by Peter Abelard in the 12th century. Abelard is famed in history for his tragic love affair with the lovely young Heloise. Their secret (but not secret for long…) relationship lead to his eventual castration and their independent sequesterment (is that a word?) in a monastery and nunnery for life… The song is from a selection of hymns called “Hymn for Heloise” that Abelard wrote during their long separation. Back in the studio tomorrow and the next day and the next day and the next day…

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