December 7, 2021
Toronto, ON

Hi Friends,

Thanks so much for all your sweet comments and support for my recent photographic posts. It’s been an intense year for me in more ways than I’ve expressed publicly and as a result I’ve had a little less personal time to devote to my creative pursuits… However, I’m back at it and feeling excited about a multitude of artistic projects I have planned in both the visual and musical realms. Stay tuned! In the meantime, you can have a peek at my most recent Adventures in Sweetland mini-series “Beastmistress.” I’ve always had a close relationship with the natural world as well as the beasts which populate it. Over the course of the pandemic, my appreciation for nature has become even deeper as often the only creatures I’d see for days on end had four legs or wings. This series is my way of showing some love.

As well as the galleries on my website, please take a moment to follow my Instagram pages -if you haven’t already- as after a year of not too much posting I’m endeavouring to rescue them from a mild algorithmic slumber. My personal Instagram can be found at and my Sweetlandish Productions account at

Lots of love,




“Creatures of the Wood” from Beastmistress

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