December 24, 2008 London, ON Gentle Readers and Bestest Friends, Bonsoir from swiftly-melting snowbound suburbia. I’m hiding away in my chamber at the Sweetland ranch, post family bonding and pre sugarplum fairy. Looking up from my nest on the white sheepskin rug I see a sky of glow-in-the-dark stars shining on walls I painted black in grade nine. I’ve spent…   see more

December 24, 2005 London, ON Merry Ho, my sweet ones. Home with the family and going out to Michael’s on the Thames for a super-fancy Christmas Eve dinner. It raineth in a very un-Christmaslike manner. I am fully in the spirit regardless. Ho ho. Going to Toronto tomorrow to make a Tofurkey feast. yeah, baby. At Call the Office, London…   see more

December 24, 2004Victoria, BC A very merry Ho to you all. I’m now happily settled into my beautiful new little apartment (at least for a while…) and am getting ready to seriously enjoy the festive merriment encroaching! Making cranberry sauce and mashed potatoes and there’ll likely be a Tofurkey involved too…. Mmmm fake meat. And my personal very favourite addition…   see more

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