May 21, 2011Montreat, NC O glorious day on the side of a Carolina mountain! I’ve been up in beautiful Montreat all weekend for the 4th annual South East Regional Folk Alliance conference. Left rainy Toronto last week with my army of small red bags, one girl, two guitars, three hats, four wheels, five jackets, six pairs of shoes, seven heavens,…   see more

February 26, 2008Nashville, TN There’s nothing like a night in a sleazy motel with your best friend and some smokin’ hot pairs of new shoes! Graphic designer/writer supreme Jenny Brodsky and I had to decompress after Folk Alliance at the mall in Nashville. All I can say is, at least they were on sale . . . And we both…   see more

March 1, 2007Asheville, NC Ladies and gents, am fresh from my adventures to Memphis for the 2007 Folk Alliance Conference. For those of you who do not know, the yearly F/A conference brings together a wild collection of musicians, presenters and general music-biz types under one roof for five days of pure insanity. Had a record amount of fun this…   see more

February 24, 2004  Hollywood, CA Holeeee Hollywood girl! I’m so incredibly excited as this is my very first ever trip ever to tinselly-town! Got myself a nice Hollywood sleazy motel and am heading out for some serious sight-seeing. Wanna go check out the Foulcault Pendulum at the Griffith Observatory and then hit Beverly Hills for some very important shoe shopping….   see more

December 3, 2003London, Ontario Hello my Lovelies, Ahhh yes it has been far too long since I posted my strange-brain ramblings for all to see. I’ve been up to much delicious no-good (in the best possible way) and have been working working working hard at planning the business of my life. The major project on the go is booking my…   see more

February 20, 2003Sperryville, Virginia Greetings from the sweet and snowy Shenandoahs where I’ve been held up in delicious hibernation for the past week. It’s just a short drive from Washington D.C. up into the hills but you would hardly know it as it is SO beautiful and ancient here its like another land altogether. Had a seriously out of control…   see more

January 15, 2003London, Ontario Hello glorious world… I am here in snowy snowy land all cozied up with SO much work to do. Have been extremely caught up in the business of doing a major radio and media promo campaign and have been mailing and mailing my little brains out! So, on that note if you are a radio or…   see more

December 18th, 2001London, Ontario   Hello strange and beautiful world, It has been such a busy past month. I’ve been recording and writing and housesitting and businessing and running through the forests with Raven the dog. I am now officially on Christmas vacation (which means it’s time to shop and clean and organize and sew and cook and label all…   see more

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