August 19, 2004 On board the M.S. Chi-Cheemaun crossing Georgian Bay… The glorious sun shineth down on the decks of the Chi-Cheemaun, a true Ontario institution of Ferry-dom. Just ate too many greezy fries and am so grateful that the waves aren’t rockier… or it would be bad. Just had the most beautiful drive ever down around Lake Superior. Bless…   see more

February 13, 2004Deactur, GA Have been having a blast in Georgia. Played a show last night at Eddie’s Attic with my pal Molly Bancroft. Shows at Eddie’s are always SO good… The people are so great and the sound is always highly superior. . And some folks from Phlashnet came out to record the show for live feed off the…   see more

December 3, 2003London, Ontario Hello my Lovelies, Ahhh yes it has been far too long since I posted my strange-brain ramblings for all to see. I’ve been up to much delicious no-good (in the best possible way) and have been working working working hard at planning the business of my life. The major project on the go is booking my…   see more

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