July 24, 2010Toronto, ON I’m awake Unsweetlandishly early, by the glory of strong coffee and James Keelaghan in my CD alarm clock! En route to Kingston today to play an afternoon set at Raise the Roof Women’s Music Festival … Loads of my esteemed Toronto colleagues will also be performing! The likes Layah Jane, Karyn Ellis and Kirsten Jones to…   see more

May 7, 2010Port Deposit, MD Greetings from beautiful Chesapeake Bay. I’ve just come in for the night after my first inaugural campfire of 2010! My hair smells positively delicious … and bed is calling. Had an amazing night in Baltimore this eve sitting in with my dear friend James Keelaghan for his gig at the Cellar Stage. Because everybody loves…   see more

April 22, 2006East Lansing, MI Hanging out in my super-sweet hotel suite after playing an afternoon gig at the Creole Gallery for Ladyfest Lansing. It was a crazy day in downtown Lansing as the streets were all blocked off and closed due to some serious protests and scary rallies goin’ down… It was like a total ghost town in the…   see more

July 23, 2003London, Ontario My, it’s been SO long since I wrote… shame on me! I guess that means I’ve been supremely and excellently busy in the best possible way. So far the summer has been truly good to me, festivals, lounging, forest adventures, sleeping in…Mmmmmm. I’ve also been working hard on booking for the fall, winter and spring and…   see more

April 1, 2003London, Ontario Greetings sweet lovelies,  Happy April Fools!! Ahhh the spring it comes finally…. Even tho it’s a wee bit of a brrr one today, Raven the dog and I are still supremely psyched at the excellent meltingness of snow (which means WAY more forest walking fun and other said goodness.) Have just returned home from a lovely…   see more

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