September 15, 2004Gid Brown Hollow, VA Greetings once again from the deeeep damp dank beautiful Virginia holler. I am finally coming out of my week of rest and recuperative comatosis from post summer festival/driving season exhaustion. I had the worlds best summer… too much delight to even mention. But I will say, I did well earn my resting. Have been…   see more

August 19, 2004 On board the M.S. Chi-Cheemaun crossing Georgian Bay… The glorious sun shineth down on the decks of the Chi-Cheemaun, a true Ontario institution of Ferry-dom. Just ate too many greezy fries and am so grateful that the waves aren’t rockier… or it would be bad. Just had the most beautiful drive ever down around Lake Superior. Bless…   see more

August 16, 2004Thunder Bay, ON   You gotta love the Kingsway Motel. Every half hour or so the train rips by shaking the walls like crazy and throwing up a wild wind so strong you can feel it through your window in bed… Have been watching the Olympics in French (practicing understanding for my impending spring birthday trip to gaie…   see more

July 29, 2004London, Ontario Ladies and Gents, Lucky me has been relaxing at home for the last 10 days and it has been SOO good for me. Lots of sleeping and cleaning of belongings has been going on, not to mention lots of going to the movies… Saw Fahrenheit 9/11 finally. Michael Moore is a hero of the truest kind. Am…   see more

June 29, 2004Gid Brown Hollow, VA Little Darlings,  Once again, down in the holler I am. Been doin’ some serious sittin’ on the stoop like a good mountain-chick pickin’ away at at my banjo. (altho, I’ve still got a lonnnng way to go in the banjo department…) Have also been working so incredibly hard at learning Bach’s Cello suite no….   see more

May 20, 2004London, Ontario Had the most incredible gig last night at the London Music Club -a fabulous new venue in town that I am so psyched about! Played with my good pal Sam Masich and very special guest Jane Siberry to a house of oh-so appreciative and wonderful folks. Am still gliding down from the glory… Other than that…   see more

May 1, 2004Toronto, ON Happy Happy May Day. How I love this day! Must be ’cause I’m such a May baby ( I get to turn 29 on the 10th….) Am in Toronto with my dear friends Kt, Missy and Melissa celebrating the day with honey mead and possible excursions out-on-the-town. So long as I get to dress up- I…   see more

April 24, 2005Winnipeg, MB Have been hangin’ in the Peg for a couple days with my good pal Trevor Mills. Thank the gods for Winnipeg- a grand oasis of glorious folks (and such great musicians!) smack dab in the middle of the long Canadian nowhere-ness… A haven for the girl that’s been driving and driving for days… about to go…   see more

April 16, 2004Sudbury, ON After a big lonnnng drive ‘cross my home and native land I am settled for a few days in the Big Nickel. Have been kickin’ it up with my darling Darlene and dear pal Carrie who has been gracious enough to house this travelling wayfaring songstress… The time here has been extremely creatively productive and Dar…   see more

April 5, 2004Edmonton, AB I love Edmonton. Have already been here for a week and I’m just not ready to leave yet! Rolled into town on March 27th to play a house concert at Bill Bourne‘s place. Bill and his partner Tanja just moved into a gorgeous house near downtown Edmonton they’re calling it”The Beach House” and are beginning a…   see more

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