May 1, 2011Toronto, ON May Day May Day! Happy Beltane (as it’s called in ye olden Celtic tradition.) I’m resposing on my couch after a lovely, wet and delicious evening. I had my ladies over tonight to celebrate said ancient holiday in style. There were flowers and feasting, a May Queen or two and of course, a Maypole fashioned from…   see more

May 1, 2010Toronto, ON Happy May Day from grey and lovely Torontonia! Woke up at a reasonable hour ce matin and enjoyed a delicious Beltane champagne brunch at Eddie Levesque’s. Mmmmmm. Fontina cheese and truffle oil scramble … 4ever! Tonight, I’ll be celebrating my very favourite ancient pagan holiday with a special concert in the Fleishman Gallery @ Wonderworks. Come…   see more

May 1, 2008Dalkeith, ON Mayday Mayday! Hope you are all fabulously well on this most decadent of days. All is supreme here in country-fried farm heaven. I’ve been very active and getting loads of cool things done. Have also been working hard at mastering the lost arts of leisure and pleasure. This has included the preparing of majestic feasts, reading…   see more

May 1, 2007Toronto, ON HAPPY MAY DAY! I just can’t help but love the supreme glory of May. Perhaps it’s because I’m a May-baby or perhaps cause it usually means that Spring is finally and truly upon us! (No more freak Ontario spring snow-storms…please!) Couldn’t find a maypole to dance around today but got to enjoy the Morris dancers doing…   see more

May 1, 2004Toronto, ON Happy Happy May Day. How I love this day! Must be ’cause I’m such a May baby ( I get to turn 29 on the 10th….) Am in Toronto with my dear friends Kt, Missy and Melissa celebrating the day with honey mead and possible excursions out-on-the-town. So long as I get to dress up- I…   see more

May 1, 2003Sperryville, Virginia Lovelies, Happy sweet and delicious May Day- my most favourite day of the year. All is so glorious and green in gorgeous Virginia and I am so incredibly happy to be here. Heading out the the Smokehouse Winery- fine makers of honey wine for a May Day celebration gig and other fine and sordid goodness. The…   see more

April 1, 2003London, Ontario Greetings sweet lovelies,  Happy April Fools!! Ahhh the spring it comes finally…. Even tho it’s a wee bit of a brrr one today, Raven the dog and I are still supremely psyched at the excellent meltingness of snow (which means WAY more forest walking fun and other said goodness.) Have just returned home from a lovely…   see more

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