February 22, 2004Santa Cruz, CA Ohhhhh California. Thank the Goddess! Mmmmmm ocean and sun and all things sweet. And believe it or not the ocean even washed up dozens of roses at my feet when I finally arrived…(no lying.) This is the life. And Maybelle did indeed recover from her bout of convulsing and I found out I have a…   see more

September 22, 2003Gid Brown Hollow, VA Greetings again, from the wet wilds of Virginia. I’m back in the hollow after a truly insane trip down to Nashville and all points in between!! Had a serious blast at the Nashville New Music Conference meeting crazy talented (and rather stylish) folks from all over. Then I headed up to the Bristol area…   see more

July 23, 2003London, Ontario My, it’s been SO long since I wrote… shame on me! I guess that means I’ve been supremely and excellently busy in the best possible way. So far the summer has been truly good to me, festivals, lounging, forest adventures, sleeping in…Mmmmmm. I’ve also been working hard on booking for the fall, winter and spring and…   see more

Goodbye Esmeralda! August 21, 2001London, Ontario  After seven and a half years of grand adventures (and nearly 300,000 km…) I said goodbye to Esmeralda the van today. Thanks Ezzie. You were such a good horse. She really wanted to be driven off the side of the Grand Canyon but I figure they’d probably catch me for that and wouldn’t be…   see more

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