April 3, 2008Toronto, ON Just had the best time w/ the girls at the Jay-Z ad Mary J. Blige show. My first visit to Toronto’s Air Canada Centre! My dearest friends dragged me out and I’m so glad they did . . . Holy pomp and bling! Had more fun than I could have ever imagined. Yo. But O Spring,…   see more

March 30, 2008London, ON Dear Ones, I am home from the great beyond, and once again returned to the land of the ice and snow. I cannot believe I drove all the way to a 94 degree Texas heat wave just to return to winter again! Am already planning my next adventures so stay tuned for more info soon ….   see more

March 17, 2008Austin, TX Happy St. Paddy’s, with late night love from this Austin motel just off I-35. Had a great night with Andy White and his fine band rockin’ it Irish core at Opal Divine’s tonight. Played a couple shows with the dashing Mr. White over the past two days, both as opener and back up singin’ hammertone mama….   see more

March 5, 2008Asheville, NC Bonsoir from the side of a sweet Carolina mountain . . . I am hiding away in the hills. Been visiting with my dear friend Jenny and her two little white kittens Evil and Maddie, resting up and working ’till I hit the road to Texas. I am so happy to be here and I feel…   see more

March 20, 2008 Dallas, TX Happy Spring! Am spending equinox morning at the Spanish Trails Inn just south of Dallas, dreaming of coffee . . . good coffee. Hope I may find something strong and delicious somewhere along the interstate, soon. Made a little equinox altar in my motel room last night out of a candle, a cell phone a…   see more

February 26, 2008Nashville, TN There’s nothing like a night in a sleazy motel with your best friend and some smokin’ hot pairs of new shoes! Graphic designer/writer supreme Jenny Brodsky and I had to decompress after Folk Alliance at the mall in Nashville. All I can say is, at least they were on sale . . . And we both…   see more

February 23, 2008 Memphis, TN Greetings from the depths of the annual musical mania that is the North American Folk Alliance conference! This year I’ve been co-hosting the Little Red Hen Music showcase room with my dear pals Darlene and Jan Bell. We’ve had a most fantastic and successful year, oh glory! Played some damn fine showcases too, drank some…   see more

February 13, 2008 London, ON Sweety Sweetland reporting for duty from the outer-reaches of suburbia. Have been house sitting for my parents while they are in Egypt — ohhh so jealous I am! But, Raven the dog and I have been having the best time ever and I certainly have no lack of work to do. The weather has been…   see more

January 9, 2008 London, ON Ohhh mid-winter. Feel like I haven’t seen the sun in days. Ok, I haven’t. Been taking the edge off by watching my new Twin Peaks Golden Edition DVD set I got for x-mas… Thank you Santy. Nothing like a little crazy tv in the dead of winter. All is going very well with the new album…   see more

January 1, 2008 London, ON Happy New Year! Decided to have a mellow New Year’s Eve and spent last night with my folks watching old Charlie Chan movies… crazy stuff. There was definitely cheese. And champagne. Also did my fair share of practicing Bach –trying to finish learning the Cello Suite no. 1 Prelude a la electrique. SO MUCH FUN. Been…   see more

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