October 10, 2012Toronto, ON Mes Amis, My goodness has it ever been an adventurous few weeks – and so busy! I have lots and lots to tell, but sadly not enough time to tell it… Soon, I promise. Today was another glorious day in the studio with my dear Captain, Lyndell Montgomery, in the name of the glory of our…   see more

October 10, 2011Toronto, ON Happy Thanksgiving! It’s yet another incredibly glorious day in the big city. I’m relaxing by the metaphorical pool after last night’s fantastic Thanksgiving dinner chez moi.  Our meal was delicious and surprisingly vegan, featuring all the traditional fixings à la Sweetland. (And a live concert by the one and only Darlene while I cooked!) Tonight I…   see more

October 22, 2003Sudbury, ON My pretties, I have been having one rip-roarin’ heckuva time up in brrrr-land Sudbury. Was not expecting the cold to encroacheth this quick upon me, but I’ve pulled out the hats, gloves and little pink leg warmers (and pink poofy everythings) to help me cope. Had extreme amounts of fun this past weekend at the Ontario…   see more

Serena Ryder, Darlene and Lady K at the OCFF Conference 2002 MMMmmmmmmmmmmm yellow world.

October 19th, 2001 Toronto, Ontario I’m in crazy Toronto at my dear friends Katie and Masina’s house listening to the streetcars go crash-bang-boom outside the window. I am o so very tired and recovering from a long long long but amazing week. Had a great time at the OCFF conference last weekend and then intensely began working in the studio…   see more

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