September 22, 2008London, ON Happy Autumnal Equinox everyone! I am back in London, Ontario for a few weeks of puppysitting and recovery from my NYC exploits. Have much photo and video editing work to do during my stay … let’s see how much I get accomplished in the next few weeks! Until then, I promise to be a thousand times…   see more

November 5, 2007London, Ontario I have finally had some glorious days of rest after working so hard for so long! This weekend I did lots of running about the sunny and windy forest with Raven the dog and cooked and baked and cooked and baked… All the while I listened to my Amelia Peabody Egytptian archaeological mystery audio books (I’m…   see more

July 29, 2004London, Ontario Ladies and Gents, Lucky me has been relaxing at home for the last 10 days and it has been SOO good for me. Lots of sleeping and cleaning of belongings has been going on, not to mention lots of going to the movies… Saw Fahrenheit 9/11 finally. Michael Moore is a hero of the truest kind. Am…   see more

December 3, 2003London, Ontario Hello my Lovelies, Ahhh yes it has been far too long since I posted my strange-brain ramblings for all to see. I’ve been up to much delicious no-good (in the best possible way) and have been working working working hard at planning the business of my life. The major project on the go is booking my…   see more

April 1, 2003London, Ontario Greetings sweet lovelies,  Happy April Fools!! Ahhh the spring it comes finally…. Even tho it’s a wee bit of a brrr one today, Raven the dog and I are still supremely psyched at the excellent meltingness of snow (which means WAY more forest walking fun and other said goodness.) Have just returned home from a lovely…   see more

December 13th, 2002London, Ontario Happy oogledy boogledy Friday the 13th! Hope all is going well out there for y’all out there. My mother is convinced that the name of the day was the reason her poor car’s transmission blew up all over the road and and then our sushi order did the wacky… I myself seem to have succumbed to…   see more

October 15th, 2002London, Ontario Hello lovely world. Me and Raven the dog are having a grand old time house sitting for my parents while they are off in gaie Paris. I have been working real hard with the business of graphic design and printing and assembling all my new promotional material to begin sending off to every corner of the…   see more

December 18th, 2001London, Ontario   Hello strange and beautiful world, It has been such a busy past month. I’ve been recording and writing and housesitting and businessing and running through the forests with Raven the dog. I am now officially on Christmas vacation (which means it’s time to shop and clean and organize and sew and cook and label all…   see more

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