August 12, 2007London, Ontario Ladies & Gents, the good news is, we’re finally done mixing the new album (for real!!) Hooray! Now onto the mastering and getting it out into the world! Also, in the last ten days I’ve done two major photo shoots with the amazing Kevin Kelly for the album cover. We did one shoot in his studio…   see more

July 31, 2007London, Ontario Hello dahhhlings. Getting ready to head to Toronto for some new-album photo shoots this week! Do you like the black and white skirt or should I go with a red dress…. I don’t know!! ohhh decisions decisions! Regardless, I’m so looking forward to getting something fine done to my hair and heading out into that unfathomable…   see more

September 19, 2006Toronto, Ontario Sweethearts, I am so very pleased to announce that I’ve officially begun the recording process for my new album … Hooray!!!! I’ll be working again with the amazing Ken Whiteley as producer at his Toronto studio. Currently we’re recording four songs for funding/grant application purposes and will be proceeding with project completion later in the fall….   see more

April 27, 2006Toronto, ON Sunny and glorious, so happy to be back in the city. Am updating this page with all the journals and photos I haven’t been able to post of late due to my far-away from technology travels… All has been so good and hope you enjoy reading (and peekin’ at) all the fine trouble I’ve been up…   see more

May 1, 2004Toronto, ON Happy Happy May Day. How I love this day! Must be ’cause I’m such a May baby ( I get to turn 29 on the 10th….) Am in Toronto with my dear friends Kt, Missy and Melissa celebrating the day with honey mead and possible excursions out-on-the-town. So long as I get to dress up- I…   see more

October 31rst, 2002Toronto, Ontario Happy Halloweenie! Yayyy and welcome to my officially most favouritest day of the year.!! This year I am in Toronto and my friends Katie, Miss M and I are going out on the town to ook and spook the passers by. Wish us luck!!! This year I’ve got a bit of the scary death girl look…   see more

October 19th, 2001 Toronto, Ontario I’m in crazy Toronto at my dear friends Katie and Masina’s house listening to the streetcars go crash-bang-boom outside the window. I am o so very tired and recovering from a long long long but amazing week. Had a great time at the OCFF conference last weekend and then intensely began working in the studio…   see more

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