August 29, 2018 Toronto, ON I am just returned from the West Coast, still smelling of sea air, freshly shucked oysters and my friend’s 12 week old great dane puppy named Luna. I had the most magical and wonderful adventure and of course there are lots of photos to prove it. My journey began in Vancouver where I rented a…   see more

October 31, 2006Victoria, BC Happy Halloween, pretty ones. In town to see my dear friends on my favourite festive eve… xo The Bloodfruit Tree- Victoria, BC…. more photos

October 25, 2006Toronto, ON Just packing up my things before I head out to the airport to fly West… Vancouver for a few days, then Victoria for Halloween. Have had some great days in Toronto.. work done, had fun, dances danced, food eaten, wine drank… good times. Lots to do before I resume recording upon my return! Bought a little…   see more

April 16, 2005Victoria, BC Goodbye beautiful Island. It’s been an incredible winter. But onward ho -back into the world I go- on my merry way. xome  Adieu Ocean

February 26, 2005Victoria, BC Greetings again from my bright sunny kitchen in the glorious Victoria morning… Not a drop of rain has fallen since before Valentine’s Day and Vancouver Island has been positively drenched in golden sunlight. This is indeed strange weather behaviour for the Pacific Northwest in winter- but I complain not! I guess the desert down in the…   see more

February 16, 2005Victoria, BC Hey folks… It’s been a great day. Yet again with the incredibly beautiful sunshine! Spent the afternoon frolicking about Goldstream Provincial Park, one of my very most favourite places in the world. No matter what crazy business is going on in my life that forest always manages to set me absolutely right again. Thank the Universe…   see more

January 25, 2005Victoria, BC All is well in beautiful Victoria. It’s a mild and lovely January (at the moment…) and the crocuses are already poking out their wee heads! Wow. Have been spending much time outside being good exercise girl as well as lotsa time at the computer trying to be good working girl… Getting into busy planning season for…   see more

December 31, 2004La Victoria, Colombie Britannique My New Years Resolutionsby Kristin Sweetland 1. I WILL learn how to play Rock and Roll guitar.2. I will not procrastinate taking out the compost.3. I will stay eternally true to Operation Buns of Steel.4. I will write everyday.5. I will eat more chocolate. Baby on the SheepskinFor more new photos of my world…   see more

December 24, 2004Victoria, BC A very merry Ho to you all. I’m now happily settled into my beautiful new little apartment (at least for a while…) and am getting ready to seriously enjoy the festive merriment encroaching! Making cranberry sauce and mashed potatoes and there’ll likely be a Tofurkey involved too…. Mmmm fake meat. And my personal very favourite addition…   see more

October 29, 2004 Victoria, BC Here I am, finally, in the arms of my beloved Vancouver Island. The drive across the mountains was snowwwy and mildly scary at times, but alas, all went well! It feels good to know I won’t be going too far for at least a little while. Time to settle in for some winter months and…   see more

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