September 9th, 2002London, Ontario Hey y’all. I’ve been back in Ontario for about three weeks now (since my big ol drive home from BC) I’ve been keeping so incredibly busy with working and organizing and trying to promote this new album and sitting at the computer all crazy-eyed fully revamping my whole entire website from head to toe (all by… see more…

Self portrait at Manassas National Battlefield, VA.More photos here! September 24th, 2001Sperryville, Virginia I’m in crazy beautiful Virginia with the walnuts and the wild grapes and the locust trees. I can go outside and walk five feet and stick my head in the beautiful river that runs down from the Blue Ridge mountains. But you gotta be careful cause there’s… see more…

Goodbye Esmeralda! August 21, 2001London, Ontario After seven and a half years of grand adventures (and nearly 300,000 km…) I said goodbye to Esmeralda the van today. Thanks Ezzie. You were such a good horse. She really wanted to be driven off the side of the Grand Canyon but I figure they’d probably catch me for that and wouldn’t be… see more…
July 20th, 2001 Sperryville, Virginia I am hiding away in the Blue Ridge Mountains, somewhere between the crystal fairyland caverns and the civil war battlefields. and as they say in Virginia “I reckon it be hotta than a fire storm in hell.” And ain’t it the truth! Me and my dear friend Jenny have been sitting on her porch watching… see more…