July 27, 2020
Toronto, ON

Dear Friends,

Hope you are all keeping well and having a magical (if slightly strange) summer, as am I. Although I haven’t been travelling nearly as much as I usually would at this time of year, I’ve been endeavouring to find new ways to make some adventure for myself close to home. It’s been a good opportunity to rediscover some of those familiar places I’ve come to take for granted, as well as simply journeying within the vast wilds of my Sweetlandish mind. Ha! I’ve been making a point to try and post more on my various social media sites lately and would love to invite you all to follow along. For those of you on Facebook my new Sweetlandish Productions page features not only news about my releases and (hopefully soon-to-be) live events but also gives you some behind-the-scenes insights into my process as musician, photographer, sometimes writer and always adventuress. You can also find Sweetlandish Productions on Instagram here. For my own personal Instagram adventures follow @kristinsweetland and if you really want to know what I’m up you should actually probably follow the dog.

Besides all that I’ve been keeping busy with various creative projects, taking lots of photos and brushing up on my editing skills. I’m also pleased to announce that I’ve begun work on the third instalment of my Trilogies EP series and will give you some clues as to its flavour in the coming weeks… Hopefully it should be safe to record sometime this fall and I may even have it ready in time to stuff in your stocking. We’ll see. Also stay tuned for another video project coming some day soon as well. It was too way much fun to make the first one and I have some exciting ideas about the next!

Till then be safe out there. It’s such a strange and scary time in the world it’s easy to forget to be gentle with each other. However, it’s also important to remember when not to be gentle. Support your local BLM movement, speak truth to power whenever you can, help educate your friends and family on critical issues while always also educating yourself. Demand social justice for all and accept nothing less. We are definitely in this together, as alone as we might currently seem. Be wise. Keep your eyes on the skies.

Lots of love always,


Keep your eyes on the skies… more from my personal Instagram page here.

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